Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  1. What is the effective date for new Khairat Kematian claim?
    Effective 1st October 2023

  2. Is the previous Khairat Kematian entitlement and criteria still valid for claim?
    No. All previous Khairat Kematian entitlements, criteria and Memos will be null and void.

  3. What is the criteria that applies for new Khairat Kematian?
    Refer to MEMO

  4. How do I file a claim for Khairat Kematian?
    Refer to MEMO

  5. What is the document I need to submit to make a claim?
    You may refer to the Khairat Kematian claim forms below for list of documents needed to submit for claim.

  6. What is the entitlement amount for Khairat Kematian?
    Refer to MEMO

  7. What is the cooling period to entitle for Khairat Kematian claim?
    Members must adhere to a cooling period of three (3) months with minimum monthly reload of RM30 per month. Meaning the member must reload RM30 and remain as an active member for a minimum period of three (3) months.


Member A: Register on July 2023 and claim for Khairat Kematian on October 2023. Member A top up minimum RM30 for July, August and September and in active status. Member A entitled for Khairat kematian claim amount RM300.00

Member B: Register on July 2023 and claim for Khairat Kematian on October 2023. Member B did not top up minimum RM30 for August. Member B not entitled for Khairat Kematian claim.

Member C: Register on October 2023 and claim for Khairat Kematian on November 2023. Member C not entitled for Khairat Kematian claim due to not meet the minimum cooling period of three (3) months.

  1. If member made a claim for Life Insurance or Takaful Personal Accident but was rejected, when should the member claim for Khairat Kematian?
    Member can make a claim for Khairat Kematian within 90 days of passing by submitting relevant documents.


Claim Procedure

  • In order to make a claim, beneficiary is required to submit the following documents:
    • Copy of Death certificate (with certified)
    • IC or Passport copy of deceased (with certified)
    • IC or Passport copy of beneficiary (with certified)
    • A copy of police report (if available)
    • Proof of Beneficiary Bank Account
    • Copy of Relationship proof (Marriage certificate (if married) if not, please provide birth certificate,etc)



  • Please fill in the Change of Ownership Form. Kindly re-submit to us for Change of Ownership together with the new owner's Document ID (NRIC/Passport)


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